Originals September: A Celebration of Unique Artworks at Dolphin Gallery



We’re thrilled to announce Originals September, a month-long showcase of original artworks at Dolphin Gallery. Throughout the month of September, you can pop in to have a look at the  diverse collection of over 30 unique pieces, each telling its own story and reflecting the artist’s distinct vision.

Why Original Art?

Owning an original piece of art is a unique experience. It’s not just about decoration; it’s about connecting with the artist’s creativity, owning a piece of their vision, and bringing a truly unique element into your space.

Visit Us

Don’t miss this opportunity to explore and potentially own a piece of original art. Originals September runs throughout the month at Dolphin Gallery. Our doors are open Tuesday to Saturday, 9:00 – 5:00, and you can ask Rob, Nigel or  Jo to assist you in finding the perfect piece for your collection.

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